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Case Study - Louise Bourgeois

Louise Bourgeois- Maman 1999
Louise Bourgeois was a French American artist known for her surrealist artwork and large scale sculptures. Much of her work explores themes such as sexuality, family and woman’s role regarding to domesticity. Her artwork Maman[1] is the largest of a series of steel spider sculptures Bourgeois created. “The title Maman translates to ‘Mummy’ the appellation a child uses for its mother”[2].Ode To My Mother (Ode a ma mere) first announces the spider as a maternal being that represents Bourgeois mother as seen below.

“The friend (the spider – why the spider?) because my best friend was my mother and she was deliberate, clever, patient, soothing, reasonable, dainty, subtle, indispensable, neat, and as useful as a spider. She could also defend herself, and me, by refusing to answer ‘stupid’, inquisitive, embarrassing, personal questions.

I shall never tire of representing her”[3]


The spider is to represent Bourgeois mother as a protective, strong and clever figure. The materials used in the sculpture also emulate these characteristics as the sculpture is steel and freestanding.  The representation of the mother in relation to the animalistic is something I am experimenting with in my own performance. After looking at Bourgeois sculptures and reasoning, I began researching animal mothers and their bonds to their young. I then created a series of monologues from this which was performed in my work in progress showing. I have also taken Bourgeois material choices on board when finding components for my own practice. I start by looking to the characteristics I want them to represent, for example I have used baby nappies when I have wanted to represent innocence.


Underneath the Maman sculpture the spider is carrying eggs. This is again made from a steel structure which inside holds objects of a personal resonance to Bourgeois and her mother. This is another element I have adopted to my own performance making. I have used objects with a personal tie to the relationship between my mother and myself such as photographs and clothing. I have played with the concept of nesting and eggs have become a key material in my rehearsal process so far. Like Bourgeois I am exploring the animalistic mother and the innate characteristics motherhood can bring out. I am looking to challenge, subvert and expand expectations of the mother figure. The animalistic mother is an appropriate means of doing so as it subverts traditional domestic depictions of the mother, showing them instead as something aggressive, protective and fierce.


As I continue to create my project the idea of the animal mother, taken from Bourgeois, is an idea I find very fruitful and compelling. I continue to experiment with this idea and apply Bourgeois’ rational of materials used, for example a strong material like steel being used to represent strength.


[1] Louise Bourgeois, Maman, [1999, The Tate Modern Gallery 2000]

[2] The Tate Website, Louise Bourgeois – Maman [last accessed 07/04/2017]

[3] The Tate Website, Louise Bourgeois – Maman, Quoted from Louis Bourgeois p.62 [last accessed 07/04/2017]

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